Please join us February 22nd at 11am for an Archives Meeting
Archives Meeting Area 4
Saturday, February 22, 2025
11 am
We will be meeting via Zoom.
Archives is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Archives Committee Meeting
Time: Feb 22, 2025 11:00 AM Central Time
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Meeting ID: 830 6582 9408
Passcode: Archives
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Archives Committee
- Purpose
1.1 The purpose of the Archives Committee is to collect for preservation the experience, history, and memorabilia of the Arkansas Area of Alcoholics Anonymous in as undistorted manner as possible.
1.2 The Committee encourages and assists District and Group Committees and individual A.A.s who are or will become involved in fulfilling this Committee’s primary purpose. - Structure
2.1 The Area Assembly Chairman with the approval of the Area Assembly Co-Chairman, will appoint a Chairman for this committee from the current Area Assembly voting membership.
2.2 The committee will consist of G.S.R.s appointed by the Area Assembly Co-Chairman with representation from each district.
2.3 The Area Assembly Chairman, with the approval of the Area Assembly Co-Chairman, will appoint a non-rotating Archivist and Associate Archivist to serve on this committee. Due to non-rotation of these positions, the Archivist and the Associate Archivist will act as advisors, resource persons, and special workers for this committee, which will determine their duties. They will be non-voting members, except when they are serving as Chairman or Co-Chairman of this committee. - Functions
3.1 The Committee meets a minimum of four times annually during the quarterly meeting of Area Assembly.
3.2 This Committee is budgeted monies at the January Area Assembly for the year, contingent upon the availability of funds. Disbursement of funds will be approved by a simple majority vote of the Committee in attendance and a copy of the minutes including the vote given to the Area Assembly Treasurer for verification of funds prior to expenditure.
3.3 This Committee will designate one of its members as Secretary who will supply current membership lists, agendas of Committee meetings, and minutes of Committee meetings to all members of the Committee quarterly, and will maintain these items for placement in the Archives. The Secretary will collect and maintain minutes, agendas, correspondence, and other vital records from the other Permanent Committees of the Arkansas Area Assembly for placement in the Archives.
3.4 This Committee will provide, secure, and maintain a permanent facility for storage of Area Archival materials and assure access to its contents to persons approved by this Committee. These materials are to be made available for guidance, use, and research by A.A. members and other researchers, historians, sociologists, and other scholars—not only for the present, but for generations to come. - Activities
4.1 This Committee will encourage individuals, Groups, and Districts to donate archival materials to the Archives.
4.2 To encourage the sharing of materials of significance to all concerned, this Committee will correspond and cooperate with other A.A. Archives Committees.
4.3 This Committee will provide and maintain a travel display for use during workshops, Group and Inter-group meetings, District meetings, conventions, and Area Assembly meetings.
4.4 When requested by Districts of the Area, this Committee will provide workshops.
4.5 An updated list of duties and responsibilities of the Archivist will be provided to him by this Committee.
4.6 This Committee will develop and maintain a retrieval system for materials in the Archives.
4.7 To assure the continuous members necessary for duties to be performed within the Archives room, this Committee may form a subcommittee composed of members within a close proximity to the Archives facility to assist the Archivist.
4.8 In all matters, this Committee will be guided by the G.S.O. Handbook for setting up an Archives.